, Nodes=None, use_rep=None, ndims_rep=None, init=None, epg_lambda=0.01, epg_mu=0.1, epg_trimmingradius=inf, epg_extend_leaves=False, epg_verbose=False, device='cpu', plot=False, basis='umap', seed=None, copy=False, **kwargs)

Generate a principal curve.

Learn a curved representation on any space, composed of nodes, approximating the position of the cells on a given space such as gene expression, pca, diffusion maps, … Uses ElpiGraph algorithm.

adata : AnnData

Annotated data matrix.

Nodes : int | NoneOptional[int] (default: None)

Number of nodes composing the principial tree, use a range of 10 to 100 for ElPiGraph approach and 100 to 2000 for PPT approach.

use_rep : str | NoneOptional[str] (default: None)

Choose the space to be learned by the principal tree.

ndims_rep : int | NoneOptional[int] (default: None)

Number of dimensions to use for the inference.

epg_lambda : float | int | NoneUnion[float, int, None] (default: 0.01)

Parameter for ElPiGraph, coefficient of ‘stretching’ elasticity [Albergante20].

epg_mu : float | int | NoneUnion[float, int, None] (default: 0.1)

Parameter for ElPiGraph, coefficient of ‘bending’ elasticity [Albergante20].

epg_trimmingradius : Optional (default: inf)

Parameter for ElPiGraph, trimming radius for MSE-based data approximation term [Albergante20].

epg_extend_leaves : bool (default: False)

Parameter for ElPiGraph, calls elpigraph.ExtendLeaves() after graph learning.

epg_verbose : bool (default: False)

show verbose output of epg algorithm

device : {‘cpu’, ‘gpu’}Literal[‘cpu’, ‘gpu’] (default: 'cpu')

Run method on either cpu or on gpu

plot : bool (default: False)

Plot the resulting tree.

basis : str | NoneOptional[str] (default: 'umap')

Basis onto which the resulting tree should be projected.

seed : int | NoneOptional[int] (default: None)

A numpy random seed.

copy : bool (default: False)

Return a copy instead of writing to adata.


Arguments passsed to elpigraph.computeElasticPrincipalCurve()


adata – if copy=True it returns or else add fields to adata:


dictionnary containing information from elastic principal curve


soft assignment of cells to principal points


adjacency matrix of the principal points


coordinates of principal points in representation space

Return type
