, n_map=1, n_jobs=1, spline_df=5, fdr_cut=0.0001, A_cut=1, st_cut=0.8, reapply_filters=False, plot=False, copy=False, layer=None)

Determine a set of genes significantly associated with the trajectory.

Feature expression is modeled as a function of pseudotime in a branch-specific manner, using cubic spline regression \(g_{i} \sim\ t_{i}\) for each branch independently. This tree-dependent model is then compared with an unconstrained model \(g_{i} \sim\ 1\) using F-test.

The models are fit using mgcv R package.

Benjamini-Hochberg correction is used to adjust for multiple hypothesis testing.

adata : AnnData

Annotated data matrix.

layer : str | NoneOptional[str] (default: None)

adata layer to use for the test.

n_map : int (default: 1)

number of cell mappings from which to do the test.

n_jobs : int (default: 1)

number of cpu processes used to perform the test.

spline_df : int (default: 5)

dimension of the basis used to represent the smooth term.

fdr_cut : float (default: 0.0001)

FDR (Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment) cutoff on significance; significance if FDR < fdr_cut.

A_cut : int (default: 1)

amplitude is max of predicted value minus min of predicted value by GAM. significance if A > A_cut.

st_cut : float (default: 0.8)

cutoff on stability (fraction of mappings with significant (fdr,A) pair) of association; significance, significance if st > st_cut.

reapply_filters : bool (default: False)

avoid recomputation and reapply fitlers.

plot : bool (default: False)

call after the test.


restrain the test to a subset of the tree (in combination with leaves).


restrain the test to a subset of the tree (in combination with root).

copy : bool (default: False)

Return a copy instead of writing to adata.


adata – if copy=True it returns or else add fields to adata:


p-values from statistical test.


corrected values from multiple testing.


proportion of mapping in which feature is significant.


amplitue of change of tested feature.


feature is significantly changing along pseuodtime


list of fitted features on the tree for all mappings.

Return type
