, root_milestone, milestones, col=None, basis='umap', win_keep=None, frame_emb=True, focus=None, top_focus=4, labels=None, fig_height=6, fontsize=16, fontsize_focus=18, point_size=20, show=None, save=None, kwargs_text={}, kwargs_con={}, kwargs_adjust={}, **kwargs)

Plot results generated from tl.slide_cors.

adata : AnnData

Annotated data matrix.


tip defining progenitor branch.


tips defining the progenies branches.


plot correlation with custom geneset.


plot correlation with custom geneset.

col : None | listOptional[list] (default: None)

specify color for the two modules, by default according to their respective milestones.

basis : str (default: 'umap')

Name of the obsm basis to use.

win_keep : None | listOptional[list] (default: None)

plot only a subset of windows.

frame_emb : bool (default: True)

add frame around emb plot.


add on the right side a scatter focusing one defined window.


highlight n top markers for each module, having the greatest distance to 0,0 coordinates.

labels : None | tupleOptional[tuple] (default: None)

labels defining the two modules, named after the milestones if None, or ‘A’ and ‘B’ if less than two milestones is used.

fig_height : float (default: 6)

figure height.

fontsize : int (default: 16)

repulsion score font size.

fontsize_focus : int (default: 18)

fontsize of x and y labels in focus plot.

point_size : int (default: 20)

correlation plot point size.

show : bool | NoneOptional[bool] (default: None)

show the plot.

save : str | bool | NoneUnion[str, bool, None] (default: None)

save the plot.

kwargs_text : dict (default: {})

parameters for the text annotation of the labels.

kwargs_con : dict (default: {})

parameters passed on the ConnectionPatch linking the focused plot to the rest.

kwargs_adjust : dict (default: {})

parameters passed to adjust_text.


if basis=dendro, arguments passed to


Return type

If show==False a matrix of Axes